Sage is from Tasha x Judge litter and is enjoying life with the family and working on her obedience and life training at 4H with my eldest daughter. She is still a nice calm puppy with great potential and we are so happy to have her!

4 mo old

2 mo old
Show Dog
Sage showed great promise in the ring in her puppy 4-6 mo old shows where she got BOB and 4th in group. She was only in a handful of shows as a puppy due to covid, yet she finished her CH a month after turning 2 years old in a 5 weeks span with 3 majors and a BOB out of 9. She is smart and has an amazing personality. Sage recieved her GCH at the CKC show in '22. Sage was a wonderful mother to her first litter and we are looking forward to her next litter of amazing puppies she will produce. Check our FB page for quicker updates on litter status.

To Momma
Sage had 3 litter's and produced 19 puppies
Sire: Atticus 07/22/22 - 8 puppies (Patriotic Theme) - 2 almost CH
Sire: Banny 3/28/2023 - 5 puppies (Spring Theme)
Sire: Geordi 11/16/2024 - 6 puppies (Gift Theme)
Sage takes after her father in mellow temperament and focus. She is a fast learner and is eager to please like her mother. In our home Sage is known as the peacemaker, both with our other girls and with visitors. Overall a great combination of her parents and their lineage.