We have a small hobby farm with goats (mainly Nubians), chickens, ducks, cats, and Greater Swiss Mountain Dog's! I also have 5 children that add to the socialization and raising of all our animals. My children are busy, smart, loud, and full of life with a love of animals. Our little farm is a piece of land they can learn and Run-a-muck like children should!
My grandfather helped instill in me an absolute love for all creatures at a very young age. He had many different kinds of animals that helped me learn a lot about caring for them. This started me on the path to farm life and a deep desire to surround myself with a similar lifestyle.
Once my eldest daughter was unable to tolerate cow's milk, I happily ventured into owning goat's and enjoying their milk! Our family drinks the goats milk and the surplus goes to other families so they too may enjoy the deliciousness. We make goat soap with wonderful smells and dabble in cheese making. Each spring we get to enjoy brand new baby goats (Kids) from our beautiful Doe/Nanny goats that have superior dairy pedigrees. We LOVE spending the first couple months with these baby goats, but REALLY enjoy the process of placing these incredible animals with the best families who will love and appreciate them as much as we do. Needless to say, we truly enjoy living this cycle of life each year.
We can't forget our wonderful Greater Swiss Mountain Dog's! We got our first Swissy, Rogue (Ro), in 2013, after waiting a year for the right timing for our family. She gave me an unbelievable love for the breed and was our therapy dog for my, at the time, a 3-year-old son who was having a lot of difficulty with sensory issues. I was drawn to them for their size, temperament, coloring, and fantastic family dog persona. Since our family loves baby animals in particular, we decided to add puppies to our family farm and wanted to have that be a part of our lives. Ro was able to have a litter but had to be retired early as her body didn't handle the process very well and is now a great family pet we enjoy!
We then continued to search for another Swissy to add to the family (cause let's face it... Swissy's are a lot like potato chips... ya can't just have one!) We were able to get Tasha (named after Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow), from a phenomenal breeder from Russia in 2016. She is smart with higher energy compared to most Swissy's but is eager to please. She loves people and has been a great 4H Dog for my daughter the past couple of years. She has also received her "Trick Dog" (TKN) and her "Canine Good Citizen" (CGCA) titles by 2 years of age. This has allowed us to find a lot of enjoyment in working and learning with her. Tasha is a great mom, protector, and family dog we enjoy teaching new things and enjoying our time with her. We added Swissy #3 to our family from Tasha's first litter and named her Sage. Sage is growing up well and we look forward to many more fun adventures with the two of them. We recently got Swissy #4, Impa - a female from the Czech Republic, and look forward to working with and having her a part of our family. #5 Swissy, Tula, is from Sage x Atticus litter. Her collar color was Aqua Girl so we decided to name her Tula, which is Aqua Girls "real" name. We are excited to have her in our kennel and enjoy her amazing personality that we fell in love with from the beginning.
Here at Runamuck Farm, we all lead an adventurous life and animals are just a part of that. Rather than a hobby, animals serve as an extension of the lifestyle we prefer to live. There are always plans for finding new and innovative ways to raise healthy animals and thrive off the land. With our Goats and our amazing Greater Swiss Mountain Dog's, you can always find all of us actively living the country life.